What is social selling?

Written by Mowrin
Updated 2 years ago

Social selling is the process of developing relationships as part of the sales process.

It is the art of connecting, engaging with, and nurturing leads through different social channels, like Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, etc. The primary objective is to create sales opportunities through relationships built on these channels.

How we do sales are changing and it needs to change.

Let's admit it. Cold emailing is dead. Open rates and response rates have reached all-time lows, and it doesn't even matter how good your copy is. The truth is nobody, not even the sales reps sending out these emails, enjoys getting bombarded by cold emails.

Furthermore, email service providers are getting smarter at detecting spam.

Email deliverability dropped more than 15% in 2019.

We need to accept these facts, and just like every growth tactic, email has a shelf life, and it is expiring. We need to look beyond email, or at the very least, supplement with social touches.

So, if you're ready to take your sales process to the next level with, let's move on.

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